Desktop Application Learning System: Multimedia Interactive Learning Online (Milo) for Teaching and Learning Tool for Hotel Front Office Management
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Published: 2 December 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
The rise of learning innovation suggested that distance learning include the use of technologies such as video, audio, computer and multimedia communications in support of extended teaching and learning. However, despite an increasing number of learning innovation, there has been little detailed documentation of the processes involved in this format for the animation production process. More specifically, there has been little documentation and analysis of the key considerations and issues encountered by practitioners when integrating 3D animation production process with teaching and learning tools. This study aims to examine the 3D animation production process of Desktop Application Learning System: Multimedia Interactive Learning Online (MiLO). The Kemmis and McTaggart Action Research Model (1988) is adapted for the purpose of this study while utilizing qualitative method of analysis in developing the 3D animation desktop application for teaching and learning. Findings of this paper proposed a new framework of animation production process for teaching and learning application using the iClone software. This study has also provided a new framework in the animation production process that can be applied in teaching and learning either for researchers or designers alike in various fields.
Keywords: Desktop Application, Multimedia Interactive Learning Online, 3D Animation, Front Office, Action Research.

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How to Cite
Hafizah Rosli, Pak Yuan Woo, Aslinda Mohd Shahril, Ezwani Azmi, Irina Mohd Akhir. (2019-12-02). "Desktop Application Learning System: Multimedia Interactive Learning Online (Milo) for Teaching and Learning Tool for Hotel Front Office Management." *Volume 3*, 4, 29-36